Online Casino

How Online 747 live Casino Keep Making Money

How Online 747 live Casino Keep Making Money

Given that we now know that the casino will always win in the long run if we play their games, how do they get us to keep playing?

Free Online Slots

One way they do it is by making some of their games, such as slots, free to play. Now, you can’t win money from these free-to-play games but the hope of the online casino is that you hit a “jackpot” on this game and think to yourself “man if only this was for real money”, which then tempts you into playing slots with real money.

It’s a lot easier to burn through fake money than it is real money, and it’s quite common for players to not notice their losses when they’re playing for fun and only think of the “jackpot” they won. By the time they start to play for real money, they quickly realize how many spins they had to get through before they got their jackpot.

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