Online Casino

The Online Casino Auto Play mode

game 747 live

Whether it’s betting or revealing what each square hides, it goes without saying that Online requires a huge amount of clicking on the part of the player. All the actions you have to perform could quickly make you lose interest in continuing to play if you’re not the patient type. Fortunately, there is the auto-play feature, and it is remarkably useful to say the least! It will make your job a lot easier and keep you playing Games without seeing the time pass.

So how does the auto play mode work? Well, it’s pretty easy to use! The first thing you need to do is activate the feature by pressing the Auto thumbnail below the tile grid. Next, select the square or squares you wish to open, after which you will need to click on the button with the circular arrows. This will bring up a window in which you can choose the number of turns you want to make in a row. Finish setting up the automatic game mode by pressing the large green “Start Auto” button.

Note that the automatic mode offers advanced settings that can help you keep even more control of your game. For example, you can program the auto mode to stop if your bankroll decreases by a certain amount or if you get a specific win at the end of a game round. By clicking on “More options” you can further adjust the auto play settings, including setting a win level that will stop the feature. You can also adjust the amount of your stake based on the wins or losses you make.

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